Our values — Lifestyle Church
SCREEN New Year, Stronger Me.png



United with One Vision

Lifestyle is built on the vision and dream God gave our Pastors. We will fight for and aggressively defend our unity and that vision with an armour bearer's spirit.


Embrace the Journey

We have never arrived and we will passionately continue to lead change. Change is always constant. We are unapologetic in our approach to win people, plant churches and advance the Kingdom.


The Sky is not the Limit

We will take big risks in order to flood our city with the good news of Jesus. Through Him, the impossible is possible so we will not think small. Continually, we will take leaps of faith and watch God move.


Walk Across the Room

We consistently leave our circles of comfort and extend hands of care, compassion and inclusiveness to reach people who need God's love. We are concerned about where people will spend eternity.


Heart for the House

We place an uncompromising value on gathering corporately each week, boldly celebrating Jesus. God tells us to do this and it is our heart expression for His House. 


Hungry? Feed Yourself

We value God's word, prayer and worship and take personal responsibility to "Feed Ourselves".  We use what God has blessed us with and the Holy Spirit within us to lead an overcoming life.


Life is Better Connected

We value being a part of a Connect Group. Human beings were designed for authentic community, and belonging to a Connect Group helps to build our lives, care for each other and do life together.


Serving or Swerving? 

We value the power of serving. We are called to use our gifts and talents to serve God, so if we are not serving we are swerving from His plan for us. Saved people serve people.


Whatever it Takes

We value excellence in all areas of church life. Excellence brings glory to God and attracts people far from God. Giving our best is the least we can do.


We give Honour

We freely give honour to those above us, beside us and under us because of the calling and potential God has placed inside of them.


We are Blessed

We are blessed to be a blessing. Generosity is a lifestyle and we will be radically generous in the use of our time, talents, finance and our approach to life. 


Speaking Hope

We will lift up the hope, victory and salvation that Jesus brings, rather than using our voice to condemn. We will speak hope and life over people.