Life is better Connected.
Connect Groups have one simple purpose: Bring people together for relationship and community! We were never created to live alone and isolated, but created to live in community and relationship with others.
We believe genuine relationships are not just built on a Sunday but throughout the week and know your best life is discovered when walking it with others! We would love for you to be part of one of our exciting Connect Groups! Find a group that’s perfect for you!
All In Tuesday Devotions
Tuesday, Weekly
9.00am - 10.00am
Lifestyle Church Gladstone
(During School Term)
Revive 45 Prayer & Worship
Worship & Soak | Weekly
6.00pm - 6.45pm
Lifestyle Centre Gladstone
Lifestyle Legends
Saturday | Monthly
Gladstone Various Locations
Steve & Rosanne Luba
Fourth Saturday of the Month,
Over 40’s Group